Abstract: The Next Generation of Archaeology Public Engagement

When a Website, Facebook Group, Twitter Account, etc. No Longer Performs
The 1990s saw the rise of the internet which was followed by every project, academic department and company having its own webpage. This was followed by the Facebook crazy when everyone had a Facebook page for their project, academic department or company. The Facebook craze came on the heels of the explosion of blogs. Then it was Twitter and everyone must be tweeting what they are doing. Now it is Pininterest, Tumblr, etc. Archaeologists are now faced with a wide range of digital tools to choose from but with so many choices most are at a loss as to which one is the best. This paper investigates which digital tool is the right tool for public engagement. More importantly it looks at what criteria one should evaluate when making a decision about which tools to use, an aspect that is usually overlooked.  

Doug Rocks-Mcqueen
University of Edinburgh

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